Cooking with Quinoa for my baby

My sister gave me this quinoa (pronounce "keen wah") for my daughter. Last time she really love to eat this Babynat quinoa cereal which I can't find it anywhere anymore, so this should do, she should like it too.

My sister gave me Red Quinoa not the white one, so what's the difference? Here's the link:

Difference between red and regular Quinoa

As most of you all know, quinoa is categorized as a superfood. It is high in protein, fight against diabetes and hypertension and many more. Here's the link again for more info:

Quinoa Superfood - It is not just for babies but for all ages.

It can be cooked as is for breakfast cereal or for lunch with chicken broth, vegetables and meat.

In my case, I cook it with bokchoy, carrot and chicken broth.

First I washed my organic home grown bokchoy that my mother in law planted in our garden. Beautiful, isn't it?

Cooking with Quinoa for my baby
Bokchoy home grown
 So here below is the brand that was given to me by my sister.

Cooking with Quinoa for my baby
I only use a tablespoon of quinoa for my daughter
I crushed the seeds with a blender. I was told to do so by my sister's nanny to make it like a porridge so it will be softer but i think you can skip this step if you decided to blend it all later with the other ingredients.
Cooking with Quinoa for my baby

Cooking with Quinoa for my baby
I only use the broth not the chicken for this.
Cooking with Quinoa for my baby
Chicken broth

Cooking with Quinoa for my baby
Mix in the quinoa

Boiling, always keep on stirring

I add in the carrots

Then the chopped Bokchoy
 How to tell if it's done? The texture changes from watery to creamy and sticky. Don't forget to keep on stirring and scraping the bottom to avoid it being burnt.
Cooking with Quinoa for my baby
Creamy sticky texture


avent blender
I use the blender again to puree all of it

Cooking with Quinoa for my baby
Final product
Honestly, my baby does not really like it. She only ate a few spoonfuls but I tasted it myself and it tastes good. Quinoa can be your rice replacement. As it is high in protein, it is also good for babies or toddlers who are allergic to eggs. I will try a simpler recipe with quinoa for my daughter. Will post it when I did.

Here's a link to a website that I find very useful and FREE recipes for cooking for my daughter.
When can my baby eat quinoa?


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