BabyGanics Say Ah Teething Gel Review

Few months ago when my baby started teething, it's really a stressful and somewhat heartbreaking experience plus sleep deprivation. It seemed hard for her to fall asleep, she kept hitting her gums together like she was cold and definitely in pain. Of course, she kept crying and wanted to be carried asking for me to make the pain go away. Her teething seems to be more of a problem at night which is so frustrating if you have no remedy. 

My friend suggested using this Woodward Gripe Water 

On the box it only said Rapid Relief of Wind and Gripe, no teething. However if you google, it does say it can be used for teething but you know when you try to google it gives you suggestions? Yup, so this came up: 

Gripe water RECALL

Oh no, what's with the recall? Sorry to disappoint, I didn't read about it you have to Google it yourself as this post is about BabyGanics :D.

So i was looking for something to make her pain go away and i found a few teething gels. Then again i did my reseach and i found that most teething gels contain Benzocaine gels. I found this article from US Food and Drug Administration and I quote:

"When a baby is teething, many a mom or dad reaches for a pain remedy containing benzocaine to help soothe sore gums.  Benzocaine is a local anesthetic and can be found in such over-the-counter (OTC) products as Anbesol, Hurricaine, Orajel, Baby Orajel, and Orabase.

But the use of benzocaine gels and liquids for mouth and gum pain can lead to a rare but serious—and sometimes fatal—condition called methemoglobinemia, a disorder in which the amount of oxygen carried through the blood stream is greatly reduced.  In the most severe cases, says FDA pharmacist Mary Ghods, R.Ph., methemoglobinemia can result in death.

And children under 2 years old appear to be at particular risk."

Here's the link to read more about this: Benzocaine and Babies: Not a Good Mix

Luckily oh luckily BabyGanics have this

As you can see, it's Benzocaine Free Gel, Dye Free & Alcohol Free. It is specifically for teething pain and here below if you'd like to read about the gel.

As shown on above pic, it comes with cotton buds or the fancy word as they call it "Cotton Applicator" which i don't use as it's too troublesome. Just wash your hands with soap and use your pinky finger, dab it on the gel and spread it on your baby's gum. Top and bottom for me just to be sure she can sleep peacefully and pain-free. 

It comes in 10 single pods as you can see I have only 2 left. I need to buy again.. 

Does it work? YES i believe so. Of course before applying it on my baby i tried it on myself though i don't feel anything since i have no pain, i just tried on the taste. The smell is quite horrid but once applied the pain seems to go away in minutes and she can sleep well. Fiuhh.. It seems to have this numbing effect so your baby doesn't feel the pain. 

I bought this at Mothercare Jakarta if I'm not mistaken for Rp 119.000 and i just check at Bilna they sell for Rp 139.000, so yeah if you ever need one this is so recommended. :D


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